emalie maye
Emalie Maye is Allisen’s first-ever best friend. The first time Allisen meets Emalie Maye is when they both end up in after-school typing class together. Emalie Maye introduces herself, and then asks, “Do you wanna eat lunch with me tomorrow?” Allisen accepts, and that’s how the two of them become friends.
Allisen and Emalie Maye spend a few months together as best friends—going over to each other’s houses, celebrating Allisen’s birthday, trick-or-treating together, etc. Then Allisen finds out that Emalie Maye is going to be moving soon. She’s distraught—her one good friend, the girl who she spends all her time at school with, is moving over two thousand miles away? What??? Allisen and Emalie Maye spend as much time as possible together over the next few weeks, and then Emalie Maye moves away. Allisen feels sad and lonely, until she realizes that she and Emalie Maye can still be best friends, even though they live far away from each other. They can still keep in touch through letters and phone calls. Knowing that they can still keep in touch doesn’t automatically make everything better. Allisen still misses her friend, and still feels lonely at school sometimes. But it helps to know that at least it is still possible for her to talk to Emalie Maye. Have you ever had a really good friend move away? Are you still in touch, or have you lost contact over the years? If you’ve lost contact, try looking them up on social media, or sending a letter to their most recent address. Don’t worry about whether they’ll remember you—if they were a good enough friend at one point in time, chances are, they still remember you as much as you remember them. |