Trust vs. Mistrust
In Book #55, “Rumor Has It,” Allisen enters a fierce internal war about whether to believe the rumors she’s been hearing regarding Jack. All the evidence seems to point to Jack cheating on her—except for the fact that, knowing what she knows about Jack, it really doesn’t make sense that he would.
When Allisen finally gets the courage to confront him about it, he flips out. Because he hasn’t been cheating and is horribly hurt that she would believe such a thing. The whole trust issue is a very fine line to walk in a relationship. You should be able to trust the person you’re dating. And they should be able to trust you. This doesn’t apply just to matters of fidelity. You and your partner should be honest with each other about other things too. If someone lies about something small, how do you know they’ll tell the truth about something big? But when a situation comes up like the one Allisen found herself in, what’s the right thing to do? Usually it’s good to talk things out. But Allisen found that when she accused Jack of doing something he’d never even consider doing, it really hurt him. Bad. It’s a tricky situation, and I don’t have a straight answer for you about what’s the right or wrong thing to do. What do you think you would do in that situation? |