A Shepherd's Story (He Is Our Lord)
We were out in the fields We were watching the sheep Just passing the time Trying not to fall asleep Just another night And the sky was clear Not a cloud in sight Then an angel appeared “Don’t be afraid, I tell you Good news, good news I bring you Great joy for all the people A Savior has been born He’s lying in a manger In Bethlehem, the city of David Go there, you’ll find a baby But He is our Lord” I was shaking with fright But I got to my feet The sky was so bright Angels all I could see But then they disappeared And my friends and I knew That we had to go see Him For their words had been true “Don’t be afraid, I tell you Good news, good news I bring you Great joy for all the people A Savior has been born He’s lying in a manger In Bethlehem, the city of David Go there, you’ll find a baby But He is our Lord” He is our Lord Our Lord Our Lord It didn’t take long We arrived on the scene Saw his mother and father And the baby, asleep I fell to my knees Singing praise to the Lord Joy filling my heart up I ran to spread the word “Don’t be afraid, I tell you Good news, good news I bring you Great joy for all the people A Savior has been born He’s lying in a manger In Bethlehem, the city of David Go there, you’ll find a baby But He is our Lord” He is our Lord |
Copyright 2021
Lyrics, Melody, and Music by Kelsey Gallant Produced by Kelsey Gallant at Blobfish Studios The Story Behind The Song:
I started producing music in 2020, and released 9 songs that year. My goal for 2021 was to release one song per month, 12 in all. Unfortunately, it didn't end up working out that way. By the time December rolled around, I'd only released 5 songs. I was dissatisfied with this number, and made it my goal to release one more song while it was still 2021. However, I decided that since it was December, it needed to be a Christmas song. I didn't have any Christmas songs in the works, so I decided to create a new one! I sat down at my piano and started experimenting with chords and rhythms. I came up with something I liked and looped it. Then I started experimenting with various lyrics and melodies to see what would stick. After a few 'meh' takes, I came up with the idea to write a song from the perspective of the shepherds who received the announcement of Jesus' birth. I sang a few bars and then started writing. I wanted to be as accurate as possible to the Bible, so I pulled up Luke 2 on the computer and kept referring back to that as I wrote the lyrics. Every time I worked on this song, I was always really excited about it. I think having a strict deadline helped me stay focused and get it done even when I was tired or had other things I needed to do. I'm so happy that I finished it before Christmas (I know, just barely, but it still counts!) and I'm very eager to share it with you! Random fun fact: I named this song "A Shepherd's Story" after the Christmas pageant performed every December by the Sunday school students at the church I grew up in. Below is the section of the Bible that I used to write this song: