Free Life!
Feels like I’m flying past the satellites This joy I’m feeling’s got me soaring high Whatever happens, know I’ll be alright I know, ‘cause this is the free life This is the free life This is the free life I was lost and alone Didn’t know where to go Dark as night, it was cold Until You came and saved my soul 2AM, driving home Hit some ice on the road That’s when I saw my life was spinning out of control I’d been ignoring You for six or seven years, maybe more Was forced to face the fact that maybe I had never been Yours But You still saved me from what could’ve been the end, I was sure You are Lord Feels like I’m flying past the satellites This joy I’m feeling’s got me soaring high Whatever happens, know I’ll be alright I know, ‘cause this is the free life So different looking from the other side My past got flaws but I left it behind And now, I feel You in my heart and mind I know that this is the free life This is the free life This is the free life Now my faith is my own And I’ve found a new home I’m a million miles From the lies and the darkness that once were my world New love, new light New hope in Christ You set me free from my addictions, my depression and more No turning back now, from this moment on I’ll always be Yours Jesus, with You I find the peace that I was missing before Oh, oh Not my works, You saved me Old friends think I’m crazy But I’m grateful for what You gave me I’m part of Your family Feels like I’m flying past the satellites This joy I’m feeling’s got me soaring high Whatever happens, know I’ll be alright I know, ‘cause this is the free life So different looking from the other side My past got flaws but I left it behind And now, I feel You in my heart and mind I know that this is the free life And you never know What a day may hold What little moment might change your life Used to be a slave to flesh Now I stand in Your holiness Living life the way You designed Feels like I’m flying past the satellites This joy I’m feeling’s got me soaring high Whatever happens, know I’ll be alright I know, ‘cause this is the free life So different looking from the other side My past got flaws but I left it behind And now, I feel You in my heart and mind I know that this is the free life |
Copyright 2025
Lyrics and Melody by Kelsey Gallant (2023-2024) Music by Martin Deco (2024) Produced by Kelsey Gallant (contributor: Cam Gallant) Mixed by Kelsey Gallant (post mixing: Andrew Martin) Lyric video by Kelsey Gallant Video filmed by Kelsey Gallant, Jael Allison, Cody Gallant, and Ruth Anna Allison The Story Behind The Song:
This song gives me a surge of excitement and joy every time I hear it. It's physically hard for me not to dance to it! The song is so joyful and so is the story that goes with it. For many years, my youngest brother believed in God and called himself a Christian, but didn't follow God very closely. (He now says that he was not really a Christian back then). He had stopped going to church, and there were a lot of areas in his life where he was following his own desires instead of God's. One night, as he was driving home from a skiing trip, a blinking light on his dashboard distracted him. When he looked up from checking to see what it was, all he saw was the guardrail. He jerked the wheel instinctively and the car spun out going 70 MPH, eventually hitting the guardrail on the other side of the road. Instead of the totaled car and severe injuries he'd been expecting, he drove away from the scene of the accident with a small bump on his head and one smashed taillight. There was no question in my brother's mind that God had saved him, and he saw this experience as a wake up call that he needed to turn back to God. He found a good church and started attending their Sunday services and young adults group. A few weeks later, we visited some friends in Ohio (see the story behind "Beautiful Story"). Seeing the way our friends lived out their faith in their everyday lives, and the joy that they had, my brother decided, "I don't want a life full of sin anymore. I want a life like they're living," and gave his life to Jesus. The changes I saw in my brother after this were beautiful and amazing, and it filled me with joy to see what God was doing in his life. I found an upbeat music loop and, with my brother's story in mind, wrote the chorus of this song from the perspective of someone who had just discovered the exhilarating delight of life with Jesus. But I got stuck after that, because the music loop I was using didn't have any parts that would work well for verses. About a year and a half later, I sent my demo of the chorus to freelancer Martin Deco, who came up with a completely original instrumental track for the song, using my initial music loops as inspiration. Once I had the full instrumental, I was able to come up with the verses, still using my brother's story as my guide in writing the lyrics. This song was SO MUCH FUN, beginning to end. I loved experimenting with the vocal effects, background voices, and harmonies. Most of the time when I'm editing a song, I sit in a chair in front of my computer. For this one, I frequently stood up and danced around the room. I had told Martin that I wanted the song to effuse joy, and he did a great job accomplishing that with the music! I often like to be intentional about the release dates of my songs. The release date of this song is the 2-year anniversary of when my brother gave his life to Christ. album cover design: Kelsey Gallant